Manufacturing and retail supply
of engineering chains all over Russia
Manufacturing and retail supply
of engineering chains all over Russia


Business address, physical address:
610035, Kirov Region, Kirov, Surikova St., 11, building 3, room 1004.

Mailing address:
610035, Kirov Region, Kirov, Surikova St., 11, building 3, room 1004.

Telephone/fax: +7 (8332) 711-321, +7 (8332) 42-04-54.


Company card
1 Organizational and legal form of the enterprise. Full name in Russian Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Производственная компания «ЦЕПРУС»
2 Abbreviated name in Russian ООО «ПК «ЦЕПРУС»
3 Full name in English Limited Liability Company Producing Company «CEPRUS»
4 Main state registration number (in the unified state register of legal entities) 1134345030412
5 Location (in accordance with the Charter) 610035, Kirov Region, Kirov, Surikova St., 11, building 3, room 1004.
6 Mailing address 610035, Kirov Region, Kirov, Surikova St., 11, building 3, room 1004.
7 Physical address 610035, Kirov Region, Kirov, Surikova St., 11, building 3, room 1004.
8 Production address 610008, Kirov region, Kirov, Novovyatsky district, Sovetskaya St., 51/2
9 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 4345375569
10 Registration reason code (RRC) 434501001
11 Main activities with indication of the OKVED code 51.70, 51.65, 50.30, 51.57, 51.61, 52.61, 28.40, 28.51, 28.52, 28.74, 28.75, 29.14, 29.22, 29.24, 29.40, 29.56, 25.13, 25.21, 74.82, 60.24
12 Codes of the federal state statistical observation forms OKPO 22977646, OKOGU 4210014, OKATO 33401367000, OCTO 16, OKOPF 12165, OCTMO 33701000
13 Director (Full name), basis Alexey Nikolaevich Kochergin (on the basis of the Charter)
14 Chief accountant (full name) Natalya Yurievna Ustinova
15 Contact information