Manufacturing and retail supply
of engineering chains all over Russia
Manufacturing and retail supply
of engineering chains all over Russia

Spiked chains

In the sawmill, chains with spikes are equipped with side plates with teeth and are used to convey the timber and move the board after sawing.

«CEPRUS» chain models with spikes are based on roller chains designed for transmission operation because their mechanical design takes better account of the specifics of conveyor usage.

A very important feature is the hardening of parts.


white-zinc pin-bush heat resistant special materials cold resistant bearing welding pin sprocket



Model numberPitchInner widthRoller gearingOuter widthOuter plateInner platePlate heightPlate height from pin gear
Pb1 min.d4b4 max.s1s2h1h3
16B spiked chains
21 25,4 17 15,88 35,25 3 4 25,3 14,75
27 25,4 17 15,88 35,25 3 4 21,1 10,55
8 25,4 17 15,88 67,35 3 4 25,3 14,75
24 B spiked chains
9 38,1 25,4 25,4 53,8 5 6 35,5 19,5
2 38,1 25,4 25,4 101,8 5 5 35,5 19,5
1 38,1 25,4 25,4 150,2 5 6 35,5 19,5
32 B spiked chains
4 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 73 30
8 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 51 30
9 50,8 19,6 29,2 52 6 7 73 30
11 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 73 30
13 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 73 30
15 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 69 26
16 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 73 30
17 50,8 17,02 29,2 49,5 6 7 73 30
18 50,5 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 66 23
19 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 73 30
20 50,8 17,02 29,2 49,5 6 7 73 30
21 50,8 17,02 29,2 49,5 6 7 73 30
22 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 67 24
23 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 73 30
24 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 66 23
25 50,8 17,02 29,2 49,5 6 7 51 30
27 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 73 30
28 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 66 23
39 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 73 30
40 50,8 30,99 29,2 64,8 6 7 73 30